Shit girls say

Today has just been one of those days. Actually, this week has been one of those weeks. You know, the one where we're ten days out from Christmas and everyone has completely shut down and trying to be productive is pretty much impossible? Yeah, those days. 

Thankfully between some pretty awesome co-workers making me laugh, an amazing fiance sending me goofy videos, and a non-stop flow of people coming to pick up gifts and free coats (nothing is more amazing than someone donating around 500 coats to us for our clients!), we've stayed busy.

But just wanted to share this little gem of awesome-ness in one video. Most of you will have probably seen it- it has been making the facebook rounds, but I love it anyway.

Especially because I'm known for saying half these things to the boyfriend fiance. 

"Babe, can you do me a favor? Are you by a computer? Listen, listen, listen."
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