So I have had a few different bloggers nominate me for a Liebster Award. And I have a few new faces around here thanks to the lovely Beth, so figure this would be a great way to get to know me!
I'm sure you have all seen the Liebster Awards floating around. And two of my favorite bloggers have nominated me. Monica over at The Empty Teacups (girl loves tea and Harry Potter as much as me- we were obviously meant to be friends) and Joanna at Jo(w)anna Know What? (another Ohio girl whose posts always crack me up). Go check them both out- you won't regret it!And now onto the rules. Which I'm only going to follow loosely....but that's ok because it's my blog. - Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asks
- Nominate 11 other small blogs
- Create 11 questions they will answer
- Let them know you nominated them
Here are the questions from Joanna: 1. What is your favorite hobby? (Besides blogging of course)
I love cooking and watching incredibly way too much TV- currently that includes Breaking Bad, old episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Newsroom...and of course Project Runway and America's Next Top Model.
2. If a real life genie appeared while you did your weekly lamp polishing, what would be your 3 wishes?
First- pay off all our student loans. Second- a new car. Third- vacation for the husband and I. Something longer than a weekend in Toronto.
3. If you could leave right now for a 2 week vacation, where would you go?
While I'm really in the mood for a beach vacation, if we're talking two weeks- it would definitely be Europe- including the Czech Republic, Greece and Italy.
4. If you were a super hero, what powers would you have?
Flying. I hate sitting in a car/driving oh so incredibly much. I would love to be able to get somewhere quickly by flying.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
Anything gummy- worms, peach rings, bears. I love them. And let's be honest Lots of it.
6. What is a cool family tradition you have, or have started?
I absolutely love all Christmas family traditions. Since this is the first year we were married, it was also the first year I didn't go home on Christmas Eve to my parents house. Instead, Doug and I went to church with my brother and sister-in-law and her family, and then came home, opened presents and watched Die Hard. I don't know if this is really a "cool" family tradition...but it's one of the first ones we started on our own. And I think I love it.
7. What is your favorite childhood memory?
4H camp. 100% my favorite thing ever. I attended for 8 years, and was a counselor for 4. Loved every minute of it.
Hilarious picture of some great friends at camp |
8. What historical figure would you love to see in 21st century life?
Julia Child. But only if we could be friends...or I could eat her food every day. She's my favorite.
9. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. For sure. And pretty much any summer holiday because grilling out and spending time outside with family/friends it the best.
10. If you were ever to be famous, what would you be famous for?
Dang girl- these are rough questions. And I'm trying to write this after 3 glasses of wine and a rough day
11. What is quote that you live by?
Don't compare yourself to others.
People who love to eat are the best people -Julia Child
And here are the questions from my girl Monica.
1. If you could live anyplace in the world (or not) where would you live?
Honestly- I would love to live in San Fran. It's my favorite city in the US by far. Or I would move back to the Czech Republic. Because really- two most gorgeous places ever.
2. What is your dream job?
An event planner....but not like the event planning I'm doing now. One with a little more of a budget with a little lot higher pay.
3. Why did you start blogging?
I loved reading blogs, and I wanted a place to write. As a journalism major, writing grants just wasn't cutting it.
4. Where did your blog name come from?
I went to Ohio University, located in Athens, Ohio. I started this blog- with a focus on life post-grad. Hence Life After Athens.
5. What is your favorite cold weather activity?
I love sled riding- but don't get to do it enough. Or just staying inside- curled up under a blanket, watching a good movie or show.
6. If someone gave you $1000 what would you splurge on? (You can’t pay bills with this money) Shopping spree...with lots of fall clothes.
7. What is one beauty staple you can’t live without?
Honestly, I rarely wear makeup. As in maybe once a week- and that's probably high. I will say my hair detangler though...
8. What is your favorite blogging tool?
9. Do you read the book or wait for the movie?
Definitely book.
10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Um...neither? I am a grump in the morning...though once I'm awake, I'm good- no matter how early. And depending on the day- I love nighttime...but normal days I'm in bed by 10 at the latest.
11. Coke or Pepsi?
COKE. 100% Coke.
And holy damn this is a long post. So I'm going to ignore the nominating other bloggers part- most of you have done it any way! Hope I didn't bore you all to death.