Senator, isn't there a letter missing? Maybe an "a"?
Don't hate me, this is why I call it "cheap shots".
Sarah Palin models F.A. Bartholdi's famous statue, "La Liberté arrosant le monde avec du Dr. Pepper". Image from TownHall. |
Did you know that there's a writer at Townhall who goes by the name of
Jackie Gingrich Cushman? Hmm, I wonder where I've heard that name before. Anyway, she writes this week about the Steubenville rape case, and her right-wing take that sure, it was bad, and it was the parents' fault:
As a parent, it makes me wonder: What were their parents thinking? I grew up in a small town, and my life revolved around band, football and church. When I came home (before curfew), my mother would call out from her bedroom to make sure it was me. She never went to sleep, at least not fully, before I was home.
I came home on time because I understood her expectations and what the consequences of my actions would have been.
now I remember. This is Little Jackie, and Big Jackie was Newtie's high school history teacher back in the day. Newtie used to tell his mom, "I'm doing a project for history class. With a friend." He always preferred being truthful if he could.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman, from Sadly, No. I believe PhotoShop may have been used here. |
I wonder if mentioning Jackie is going to drive my traffic up? One of the weirdest spikes ever was when I happened for no very important reason to drop the name of Benyamin Netanyahu's
second wife. There are people who Google this poor woman's name on a daily basis, for reasons I don't even want to think about.
To those who may have been concerned about President Obama going on an "
apology tour":
You'll be able to tell when he does it, by the people making the apologies. Hint:
Obama might not be the one.
Prime Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel apologized in a personal phone call to Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for a deadly raid on a Turkish ship by Israeli commandos in 2010 that killed nine people, a senior American official traveling with President Obama told reporters on Friday.
Correction: Due to the omission of a word, the Times referred incorrectly to Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel. He is not a cut of meat, even of very high quality.)