Weekend fun

This weekend was pretty awesome. Just the right amount of busyness and relaxation, not to mention 80 degree weather and sunshine :)

On Friday, we had full intentions of going to the Indians game. Instead, we opted for cheaper beer and the game on TV, spending most of the game at The Clevelander and moving to the Thirsty Parrot patio to watch the post-game fireworks. Thankfully, the RTA makes going downtown for events like this so easy! Especially because we have a stop less than a mile from our apartment.

I spent all day Saturday at my brothers spending time with him, my sister-in-law, niece and our host brother from the Czech Republic and his wife. The day was mostly spent walking and talking and lazing, and ended with a few bottles of wine and insanely large steaks from the West Side Market...mmm.

Sunday, my fiance and his brother, as well as some work friends ran the Cleveland 10K (which was part of the Cleveland full and half-marathon). A large breakfast at Jack's Deli for the runners, an afternoon showing of the Avengers, and my favorite part of the day: registering.

This is a screen shot of the top of our Macy's registry page. First...holy crap 131 days! Getting so close- and I am SO EXCITED! But honestly- registering was awesome. We had to give the saleswoman all our information (which only took about 5 minutes), and then we were handed the gun and left on our own (which I totally loved). I might have gotten a little out of control with random kitchen gadgets- but come on! I have been dreaming about having my own kitchen with all the cool gadgets forever!

Except for the pasta maker attachment for the Kitchen Aid (which I already own...I just need all the fun attachments). NO ONE makes enough pasta to justify a $200 attachment, not even this carb loving Italian girl. I'll just keep borrowing my parents :)
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