Go-To Summer Beverages

I'm a creature of habit. I normally have a go to order at most restaurants. I get on kicks where I will drink the same beer or wine for weeks at a time. In the winter, I rarely drink beer and drink exclusively red wine (normally a merlot or cab). Cold months and red wine just go together perfectly.

But we're getting into the spring and summer months now. Even though the day started out crappy and rainy, it's now 70 and sunny, which made for a perfect walk around the block with the pup. Also resulted in her finding her new spot camped directly in front of the screen door looking into our back yard.

Sorry- I digress. This post is about booze, not dogs. But damn are those two of my favorite things in life. Anyway- now that we're in the warmer months, I still love my occasional glass of red wine, but I also have a few go-to summer brews.

Summer is beer time. More often than not, I love to come home, sit on the back porch and crack open a nice cold one. I absolutely love Leinenkugels Summer Shandy (though not the Sunset Wheat...that crap tastes like Fruity Pebbles and not in a good way). It's the perfect refreshing summer beverage. My other go-to's include Bell's Oberon, Goose Island 312 and Jackie O's Firefly. 
Ignore the stink bug in the front. Focus on the glorious sunshine.
I'm not normally a white wine fan. Don't even try to pour me a glass of Chardonnay- 99% chance I won't like it. But a glass of Sauvignon Blanc? I'm in. I really love Cupcake's Sauvignon Blanc- it's delicious. And last summer, my friend Carly and I probably drank at least 2 bottles a week. I also really love Vinho Verde- it's the perfect light, kind of bubbly white wine. Mmmm.

And if I'm going to get really crazy? I'll bust out the vodka. Moscow mules, vodka cranberry with lime and sprite or raspberry vodka in lemonade. 
I really need some of these copper mugs! So awesome. 
Basically all I want to is sit outside and drink. A cold beverage on a hot day? So perfect. 
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