Humpday Confessions

It's hump day ya'll! And during this long as shit week, I'm super pumped about that. I'm also super pumped because I'm linking up with the ever hilarious Kathy for Humpday Confessions.

...I confess that I am SICK OF THIS GOD DAMN SNOW. I know, I know. We're all sick of talking about it and hearing everything bitch about it. But I'm going to keep talking about it and bitching about it until it finally goes away. Which, at this rate is going to be May. 

...I confess I'm also sick of packing. I feel like all I do on this blog is whine and complain about the weather and moving. But hopefully in a few weeks- both of these things will be but a distant memory. Stay tuned for regularly scheduled programming to return soon.

...I confess that we got Frozen from the library and I'm more excited than a 27 year old should be about watching it.

...I confess that my birthday is in just a little over a month. And besides the fact that it might still be snowing in May, I can't decide if I'm excited for it or not. I mean- I love my damn birthday so I'll still be celebrating it to the max. But 28 is making me nervous.

...I confess I actually miss going to the gym. But only the classes. Which is why I have yet to just go to workout- because honestly? That shit sucks. 

...I confess I'm pumped to hangout in our new basement- foosball table, dart board, N64 and Super Nintendo. And a mini fridge with beer. And no, I'm not in college anymore, this just sounds awesome. 

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