This Florida case seems like a golden opportunity for some good old-fashioned right-wing legislation from the bench, which will also be a reminder that even "job creators" are second to gun fanatics in the wingnut pecking order:
Bank manager, fired after carrying gun into work, files suitFlorida is already one of the many states where employers can't prevent you from keeping a gun in your car in the company parking lot, even though the company parking lot is private property, something you might have imagined right-wingers consider sacrosanct.
Ivette Ros grew up in a house where her father kept guns. For her, it was a natural step to get a concealed weapons permit and then to carry a 9 mm handgun.
The 37-year-old Tampa resident is a single mother of three children and said she carries the gun for safety....
Her employer didn't feel the same way. Carrying the gun got her fired, she said.
Ros has filed a lawsuit in circuit court against Wells Fargo Bank, which she said fired her last year from her job as manager at the bank's Oldsmar branch. Her lawsuit says the firing violated her constitutional right to carry arms and asks for monetary damages and attorney fees....
Ros said she sometimes left the handgun in her locked vehicle. Other times, though, she carried it into work concealed under her clothes or in her purse....
... she was fired for violating the bank's ban on employees carrying weapons into the building.
"I am within my constitutional right," Ros said....
Is there the slightest possibility that a Republican-appointed judge at any level of our court system would side with Wells Fargo on this, in the current climate? The gun issue, after all, is the most reliable solidarity-builder and turnout-generator for the GOP, which, I assume, is why the Koch brothers think supporting Stand Your Ground laws is so important a part of their campaign to avoid taxes and regulations. So expect the Gunshine State to enshrine another gun "right" soon, with more undoubtedly to follow.
UPDATE: At Hot Air, Jazz Shaw, linking to this post, writes:
Of course, one of the best arguments in terms of hoping that Ms. Ros prevails is that it just drives the gun grabbers insane.This is how the gunners think: anything that pisses us off is good. It doesn't matter if it's an absurdly reckless thing to do to society -- if it makes us howl, they're for it.
Thus, Stand Your Ground. Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, and Chad Oulson are dead because most of the right thinks about guns and gun laws the way Shaw does.