The Little Things

This has been a shitty week. No doubt about it.

Yesterday, I woke up to another two inches of snow on my car which meant taking the train and getting home too late to go to my favorite class at the gym. 

I had a frustrating day, which just made me more confident in my decision to change jobs.

On my way home, I was surrounded by the loudest group of high school kids yelling and rough housing on the train. #OldLadyStatus

The lady behind me at the grocery store was super rude. The bagger at the grocery store was super rude. The mail man was chilling in our lobby on the phone, before the mail was delivered. 

Everything was making me feel annoyed and upset and angry and frustrate. It was a bad day. So far, a bad week. 

But then I got home. I poured myself a glass of wine (nope. No gym). I busted out the stinky gooey delicious cheese with crackers. I trimmed the stems of the daffodils I bought at the store and put them in a mason jar. My husband made a silly comment, which forced me to laugh. I turned on the latest episode of Castle and curled up on the couch with a blanket. 

And I realized that even with a bad day and a shitty week, those little things could make me so happy. 

My life is pretty stellar right now.

My husband and I are closing on our first house in two weeks. I am starting a new job at an amazing company in two weeks. We have fabulous friends. My family is wonderful and so supportive. 

So damnit. It's time to cheer up buttercup. 

And the instant those daffodils bloom? It will make me feel 10 times better. Because daffodils just give me that feeling. That happy, spring will get here eventually feeling. Mind you, if they would actually bloom outside, I would feel 100 times better. 

But for now, I'll take the little things. And I have to keep remembering that the little things in life are good. The big things in life are even better. And I have a lot of those big things too!! Just easy to forget them when they aren't happening right now. My lack of patience is once again rearing it's ugly head. 

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