2014 no longer feels like "the new year" so it's easy to stop being excited about the possibilities and things we hope for. February to me just means that the excitement of it being a new year has worn off, it's still winter, and I'm sick of being cold.
Every year, February starts and I let myself be excited for 30 seconds that spring is on the way. That lasted until this morning when I turned on the news and was told we are expecting 6-10 inches of snow on Wednesday. JUST GO AWAY.
Anyway- I promise I'll stop being such a Debbie Downer now.
Instead, I'm going to post some of my goals for the month of February. It's a short month- but it's going to be super busy with work and house things (hopefully!) and even more hopefully- lots of good things to come!
1. Workout at least 4 times a week. I've gotten to the point where I consistently go 3 times a week- but I really want to work that 4th day in there.
2. Continue the no-spend spree. I'm not going to be quite as hard on myself as I was in January, but I really want to stay away from shopping for clothes/jewelry/anything else at Target. With us hopefully moving into a house in March, I know there will be a lot of unexpected things come up that will require us to spend money- so I'm hoping for one last month of saving.
3. Meal planning and one weekly grocery trip. We've been getting really good at planning our meals out for the week (accounting for leftovers so we don't have to buy lunches). I really want to keep going on this- it's great for a budget. Also- we are less likely to go out to eat when we know we already have food in the house.
4. On that note, Try at least one new recipe a week. I love trying new recipes and with a month that tends to be cold and miserable, all these recipes may end up being soups. I'm ok with that.
5. Come up with some creative (cheap) date ideas. On Saturday, Doug and I decided to find a good movie on Netflix, make some popcorn, drink a few beers, and most importantly- put our phones down. I loved spending quality time with him when we weren't both focused on something else.
Edit: I wrote this post not even thinking about the fact that I could link it up with Ashley and Kaitlyn for their Bloggers Keeping Bloggers Accountable linkup- so excited I can join!!