When Will The Koch Brothers Stop Making Believe They Don't Own The Republican Party Lock. Stock And Barrel?

Just a little update on Ken's post from last Saturday on everyone's least favorite brothers… Something to keep in the back of your mind while pondering President Obama's State of the Union message of equality from tonight. Clearly, what the Kochs are doing to America in their anti-democratic jihad, is sociopathic. But is it criminal? They certainly have all the money they need to hire the lawyers-- and legislators-- to ensure that nothing they do can be defined as criminal. Rachel:
"The Koch brothers are spending-- and organizing the spending-- of more money than almost anyone in history to influence American politics. They also fight vociferously to limit real reporting on how much they spend, how they spend it and what the impact that spending has on our polity. They want to influence American politics, and they are influencing American politics , but they do not want to known for what it is that they do.

And on one level, this is one small fight about one group pushing one laughably terrible policy from Florida. But this is also about how American politics works now-- and whether it stays in the light or whtehr it is allowed to go underground. Because how they are working their side of politics now is millions and millions and millions of dollars-- Hundreds of millions of dollars that are intentionally made difficult to trace, funneled into networks that build networks that you can disown when you want to… if you want to.

Does that intentionally opaque political activity get reported on now or doesn't it? They have tried to make it as hard as possible for that reporting to get done. I say we do it anyway. It's our country too…
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