Keep Your Head Up

Some days just suck. And there's not much you can do about it.

And some days, that's totally acceptable.

You go out for drinks and dinner with your husband ($5.00 martinis? Yes please). 

You snuggle on the couch under a blanket with a glass of red wine. 

You allow yourself to break down in tears in front of your husband, and he just hugs you because he knows that is all you need. 

You let yourself do all these things and be 100% ok with it.

And then you wake up the next day and you move on. You stay strong; you keep your head up; you accept the things you cannot change; you move on.

From here
Things don't always go how you want. Kate over at The Florkens posted about this yesterday. Life isn't fair. Life doesn't go as planned. And sometimes, that is so so hard to deal with. So hard to accept. 

I hate not knowing. I hate being unsure of myself and my future. 

But I have a husband that is so incredibly supportive. I have a job, that though it might not always be my favorite thing in the world, it is secure. I have family who is always there for me; for tough love when I need it, for a shoulder to cry on, for adorable nieces to constantly make me laugh and cheer me up. I have all of you who were some of the first people I emailed or texted yesterday when shit went....well, shitty. 

So I keep my head up and I move on. I keep my heart strong and I know so many people are rooting for me, even when I'm not always rooting for myself. 

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