An Iranian nuclear deal was reached last night -- and if I'm correctly understanding what its critics have said about it, some of them even before the deal was finalized, the entire point of the deal reached by the "P5+1" nations (the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany) was to give Obama something to talk about other than Obamacare, even if the end result is the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. Or something like that:

Um, I thought Britain, France, and Germany, in particular, were "our allies." Oh, but I forget: in this context, "our allies" means Israel (it's plural, kind of like the royal "we").

And, um, Senator Cornyn, how is this evil scheme supposed to work? Yes, all the earth's great powers are supposed to be helping Obama change the subject from Obamacare's failures -- but a deal just gives you guys the opportunity to flood the zone with talk of appeasement and Munich and dhimmitude and whatever. Nothing that could have been negotiated in Geneva would have gotten any other kind of response from you, or at least nothing short of a treaty delivered personally by Slim Pickens dangling off the end of a nuclear bomb aimed straight at Tehran. All Obama has done is given you another chance to take potshots at him. So why would he even think the dog could be wagged?
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