Weekend Shenanigans

This past weekend was the last of our crazy busy schedule.We seriously haven't had a full weekend at home to just be lazy since sometime in July. Ridiculous.

And this was the perfect end to all the craziness. Because while we were out of town, we took full advantage of not really having any plans and just lazing around and catching up with friends. We were visiting friends who moved to Columbus from Cleveland back in June. This was the first time we have been able to visit them and see their new place.

Friday and Saturday consisted of eating, drinking, watching football, playing cards, and catching up with friends. Followed by driving home on Sunday and watching more football (and a few hours of How I Met Your Mother), chinese food and Wreck It Ralph.

Friday night at Columbus Brewing and World of Beers
Miss this girl so much!
A bromance in the works, putting their NFL preferences aside
(Bears on the left, Packers on the right)
First time seeing her since her wedding- way too long!
Browns win (Thursday). Bobcat win. Buckeye win. Food, booze and friends. Perfect weekend!!

Sami's Shenanigans

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