Happiness in a Weekend

This weekend was full of family and food and booze and niece snuggles and football and hot tubing. I wore nothing but leggings and hoodies with my big fuzzy slippers. 

My parents, brother and sister-in-law, husband and myself rented a small house in Geneva-on-the-Lake. The weather didn't exactly cooperate, and we spent the majority of our time inside (with quick sprints in and out between the hot tub). But we had a full supply of beer and wine. Tons of food (we're talking fried fresh perch, bagels with smoked salmon, shepards pie, chorizo and butternut squash tart, apple crisp, pancakes and sausage).

It was a perfectly relaxing and perfect weekend.

My 4 month old 19 pound chubby Nora bean. Such a smily, happy, chatty baby
Never a shortage of alcohol at a LaVigne family function
Caroline being a crazy girl
One quick walk by the lake in the freezing cold!

Today consisted of watching football, losing my 8th week in a row of fantasy football, napping, eating leftover tortellini soup (just as awesome after being frozen for a few weeks), and starting to rewatch all the Harry Potter movies. 

Love this cork from the bottle of wine I opened tonight

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