The stupidest man on the Internet, Jim Hoft, is the principal writer at the blog Gateway Pundit, but I guess he can't provide all the stupid his readers crave, and so we have this guest stupid at GP from Free Republic's Kristinn Taylor:
Obama's Jim Crow Foreign Policy? Segregated Syria War Meeting at White House with Congressional Black Caucus

President Barack Obama and his National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who like Obama is Black, are holding a classified meeting on Syria at the White House with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) , according to reporter April Ryan, the White House reporter for American Urban Radio Networks.

While there are times that a meeting with the group that is a repugnant remnant of racial divisions in America might make sense -- such as how to get Black unemployment down from the double-digit Depression era levels it has been since Obama took office -- it is hard to see what the 'black take' on Syria is that differentiates the CBC from the rest of the country.

The only possible explanation is that Obama is making a special racial solidarity pitch with his soul brothers and sisters in Congress. Otherwise, the meeting would have been open to all members of Congress regardless of race.
Right -- the very existence of the Congressional Black Caucus is "a repugnant remnant of racial divisions in America," and no president should ever attend a meeting with the CBC without inviting white people to sit in as well (sorry, George H.W. Bush, you should have boycotted those meetings you used to have with the CBC -- and the same goes for your son). And when the president and national security adviser are black, and they meet with the CBC, then surely it must just be an excuse to sit around and eat fried chicken and watermelon while dancing to jungle music. In hoodies! And oppress white people, just by existing.

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