Travel Dreams

So in my daily readings of other blogs, I noticed a few of my favorite ladies were participating in Blogtember, with Story of My Life. While I missed the first day yesterday, I love the idea and there are some awesome prompts on the list!

Today's prompt is "If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?"

My simple answer to this: Europe. I'm thinking a month in Prague, a month in Greece and the last month traveling.

A quick background- I lived in the Czech Republic for 10 months the year after I graduated high school. We're talking 8 years ago- and every day for the last 8 years, I have wanted to go back. Especially after I met Doug, it has been a serious dream to take him to that country and show him where I lived.

For Prague...I'm thinking this place (we're talking unlimited budget right??)

Which is of course located here- Old Town Square:

I absolutely love everything about Prague! Its a gorgeous old city with fabulous site seeing and restaurants and beer (mmm Czech beer).

Greece is next. I have never been to Greece, but ever since watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (yes...I know...) and Mamma Mia!, I've been dying to go explore a new country.

1, 2, 3, 4
I mean holy shit, could it be any more beautiful??
And that last month? Wherever our little hearts desire. Doug wants to see London; I would love to see all of Italy; maybe Croatia or Spain? Who knows. But I love dreaming about it! And hope that someday (sooner than later) we can at least make part of this dream come true!

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