The year that changed my life

Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.

As I've mentioned a few times, I grew up in Amish Country. Also known as the middle of effing nowhere. And while I was living there, I absolutely loved it and couldn't imagine ever moving to a city. 

In middle school and high school, my family hosted a few exchange students. Through this, my brother decided he was going to become an exchange student. And as I tend to do, I followed in his footsteps and also took the plunge and decided to study abroad for a year. Talk about being terrified. Going to a country where I knew no one, didn't speak the language, and knowing I wouldn't see my family and friends for a year.

Well turns out that 10 months I spent living in the Czech Republic changed my life in more ways than one.

Before I left the US, I had been accepted at Ohio Northern and deferred my admission. It was a small school, I knew a ton of people going there, it seemed safe. About half way through my year abroad, I knew there was no way I could return to that.

So I applied to OU, was accepted into the journalism school and my decision was made. For some reason, Ohio U had always seemed too big to me. But after being accepted? I knew it was the place for me.

And of course, as I have said more than once twice 19 times, attending Ohio University was the best choice I have ever made. But had it not been for my year as an exchange student, it never would have happened.

I wouldn't have met some of my best friends in the world (both in the Czech Republic with other exchange students and all my favorite people from OU). I wouldn't have met my husband. Chances are life would be very different now.

From here

And since I missed my weekend recap yesterday because of a golf outing I had planned, I'll leave you with a few photos of my fantastic weekend :)

1. Best friends since freshman year :)
2. Another beautiful OU bride! So happy my best friend found such an amazing woman to share his life with.
3. A few Bobcats <3
4. A little twerking.
5. Husband face.
6. More best friends since day 1 of college!

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