Today's Blogtember prompt: A store about a time you were very afraid.
I'm a scaredy cat. No, seriously. Scary movies? Hate 'em. Being home alone at night? I convince myself that someone is most definitely going to break into my 5th story apartment building and try to kill me. Thankfully there have no been serious scares in my life.
But for a time I was very afraid? The two that pop up both involve car accidents. The time I hit a deer was terrifying, but my brother was with me and able to keep me calm, so we'll leave that story out today.
As for the time I slid off the road into a swamp? Scared shitless.
Let me paint the scene for you. I'm a young 16 year old baby, had my license for a whole 2 months and was still so happy that I could go places on my own. On the day in question, I had just gotten a hair cut and my ears pierced for the first time and I had plans to hang out with friends and my boyfriend (oh high school "love") and nothing was going to stop me. Not even the little snow that had started as I left my parents house. That then turned into a blizzard, making the roads incredibly slick.
This was also the first time I had driven in the snow. I was probably 10 miles from my parents house, going around a very sharp curve. I turned my wheel; my car did not turn. Instead it slid straight off the road, leaving me with the front right corner of my car IN a swamp and my car on a 45 degree angle.
I climbed out of my car and stood on the side of the road, in the middle of the country, in the dark. And burst into tears, obviously. I miraculously was able to get enough cell phone service to call my parents, who promptly called a family friend who lived about half mile from where I crashed. They came and picked me up while waiting for my parents and the tow truck.
It was one of the kids I got chocolate cake. Which cheered me up a little.
But I was so incredibly shaken up about the entire thing. And it has permanently made me terrified of driving in the snow.
I figure if that's the only time I can remember being absolutely terrified, I'm doing something right in my life!
Happy Friday all :) We're off to our first (2) weddings of the month tomorrow!!