T-shirt promoted on the Facebook page of the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR):
"Firearms Anywhere and Everywhere" -- taken literally, that would mean firearms in daycare centers, on international flights, even in your living room, whether or not you wanted them there. Because really, when you say "Firearms ... Everywhere," the literal meaning is that no one has the right to say, "Not on my property." And I know the gunners all claim to be good right-wingers who worship the notion of private property, but I'm not sure they're all willing to stand up for the right of a shopkeeper or bar owner or minister to say, "Not in my establishment," especially if the person in question is a dirty stinking liberal.
Rand Paul raises money for the NAGR, with ads like the one here, which claims that the UN Small Arms Treaty "would almost certainly FORCE the United States to ... Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION" (emphasis in original).
The executive vice president of NAGR is Dudley Brown, who's also the executive director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO). In April, after Colorado enacted new gun laws, Brown engaged in some eliminationist-sounding talk:
He's promising political payback in next year's election that could cost Colorado Democrats their majorities.Of course, some gunners couldn't wait until the next election -- two Colorado state senators who voted for the gun laws were recalled this week. Dudley Brown's response was about as tasteful as you'd expect:
"I liken it to the proverbial hunting season," Brown says. "We tell gun owners, there's a time to hunt deer. And the next election is the time to hunt Democrats."
But, well, what do you expect from a guy who held a protest march at a memorial ceremony for Aurora shooting victims, because Mike Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns was one of the memorial's sponsors? (Brown, we're told "carried a .45-caliber pistol to the park" where the memorial took place, which was attended by Aurora and Sandy Hook survivors.)
Would it be irresponsible to speculate that this guy might be Rand Paul's pick to head the ATF? It would be irresponsible not to.
Then again, sometimes the propaganda put out by Brown's groups is just sad:
If that's what "family" means to you, Dudley, you have a very empty life.