It's not often that a BBC news story -- quoted approvingly -- is the lead item at Fox Nation, but that's the case now. Here's the story:
Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting sceneNow, I don't know what really happened here -- but if the SWAT team really was told not to get involved at the Navy Yard, I suspect it was based on a judgment that the team might be needed to protect the Capitol complex itself. And yes, that judgment looks bad in hindsight:
One of the first teams of heavily armed police to respond to Monday's shooting in Washington DC was ordered to stand down by superiors, the BBC can reveal.
A tactical response team of the Capitol Police, a force that guards the US Capitol complex, was told to leave the scene by a supervisor instead of aiding municipal officers.
The Capitol Police department has launched a review into the matter....
"I don't think it's a far stretch to say that some lives may have been saved if we were allowed to intervene," a Capitol Police source familiar with the incident told the BBC....
According to a Capitol Police source, an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington DC's main municipal force, told the Capitol Cert officers they were the only police on the site equipped with long guns and requested their help stopping the gunman.
When the Capitol Police team radioed their superiors, they were told by a watch commander to leave the scene, the BBC was told....
Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terry Gainer, who oversees the Capitol Police department, ... said that while the department's primary responsibility was to protect the Capitol complex, which houses the US Congress, that mission did not allow it to turn a "blind eye" when asked for help.But that's not why this is the lead item at Fox Nation. That's not why the BBC story has been linked by World Net Daily. Allow WND commenters to explain:
Just another typical any Law enforcement action taken by liberals whenever a Black is involved. This was going to provide Obama and the left with yet another Gun Regulation push and having it stopped before it was really a big mess would just undermine the movement.This taps into so many strains of conspiratorial right-wing thought. There's the semi-"respectable" conspiratorialism of the Benghazi obsessives, who believe that the president could have launched a rescue mission but didn't because he was covering up an operation to run guns to America's enemies. There's the conspiratorialism of the gun folks, who think firearm massacres are secretly welcomed by the White House because they help the president in his quest to impose gun control and disarm the American public. (That sinister plot by Dictator Obama isn't working very well, is it?) There's the lunatic notion that Obama is encouraging an armed black uprising -- see, e.g., the right's obsession with so-called "black mob violence," and with the New Black Panthers; see also the elevation of George Zimmerman to hero status on the right. And there's the Alex Jones notion that this shooting is a government "false flag" operation (as they all seem to be in his eyes):
The rescuers at bengazi were also ordered to stand down
It was supposed to be a Navy Citadel drill sponsored by DHS. Something went wrong and, as usual, the order to stand down so specific people could be murdered because they "knew too much."
Stand down, eh? Why, to get the real shooters out of sight?
Someone let it slip out that the shooter may have been one of Ovomit's sons.
"You've got all the other scandals, so this is a great way to change the subject," Jones said on his radio show Monday morning, which is broadcast on more than 80 stations across the country. "It's a way to divert everyone."In which case, as the WND commenter says, it would have been necessary for law enforcement to stand down in order "to get the real shooters out of sight." (Early reports did say there were multiple shooters, right? RIGHT?!?!)
Ultimately, the "respectable" response to this on the right might be just a suggestion that any stand-down order is another sign of Obama's incompetence -- as if the president gets personally involved in Capitol Police decisions. But further out on the fringe, this is going to set all sorts of synapses misfiring.
I should note that this isn't the principal focus in Alex Jones World, where the preferred theory of the shooting seems to be this:
Yes, it's been reported that Aaron Alexis carved "my ELF weapon" on his shotgun. So, in Jones World, that means he was responding to a real threat:
Alexis had carved the words 'My ELF weapon' on his Remington 870-Express-Tactical shotgun. ELF stands for 'extremely low frequency', and usually refers to communications or weather....My theory? I bet Alexis picked up this ELF nonsense from Jones himself. Jones's nonsense is like crack for schizophrenics and paranoids.
For those who are familiar with this technology, it is well understood that this is used in programs such as H.A.A.R.P. It has also been reported by several government whistle blowers, and even political activists that they suspected a 'ELF weapon' was being used on them.
The report about the carvings is most interesting, because it seems to confirm the claim made by Alexis that 3 men were following him using an ELF weapon while he was in his hotel room. He even filed a report to the Newport, Rhode Island Police stating these claims. Aaron stated he had to change his hotel 3 different times because these people were using the microwave machine on him....
(And if you're confused by that "H.A.A.R.P" reference, read the post I wrote last spring about the HAARP program. Short version: these crazies think the government controls the weather.)