Let me tell you 'bout my best friend

Tomorrow is my best friend's wedding. I know, I know...I said the same thing last weekend. Well, both are true. I've never been one of those people who think you can only have one best friend. In my mind, the more friends you can feel that way about, the better! To clarify though- the bride from last weekend is my best friend from college.

The bride this weekend? I have known her since first grade. And we have been best friends since first grade. That's somewhere around 20+ years. To have a friendship that has lasted that long is a truly beautiful thing.

Homemade ribbon wands, matching outfits and choreographed dances.
Doesn't get much better
We grew apart a little in high school. She had a boyfriend who was older; we joined different activities and had different groups of friends. But then our junior year, our high school got a girls soccer team (in much part to the two of us who became a serious thorn in the side of the administration so they would finally give us a team- but that's a story for another day).

Classy with the Busch Light.
And I can't believe I'm posting a picture where I have the bangs...

Playing soccer brought us close once again and it was the best. After graduation, I left for the Czech Republic; She want to Bowling Green; I came back and headed to Ohio University. But throughout that time, we remained close. We might not have talked every day. But whenever we saw each other, it was as though we didn't miss a day.

Tomorrow, my best friend of 20 years is getting married.

Tomorrow, she gets the happy ever after with the love of her life. The same happy ever after that I got almost 1 year ago, when she stood next to me and supported me through the best day of my life.

Tomorrow, I am so honored that I get to do the same.

Tomorrow, I am so excited that once she is married...we get to party our asses off!!

Kind of like this...

Or maybe this...

And of course, in honor of her upcoming nuptials- a little Bio Dome flashback for #backthatazzup

The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats on Grooveshark

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