Yes, this is appalling:
During a meeting of the House Republican Caucus, Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) compared the relentless Republican effort to defund Obamacare to the heroic efforts of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 who overpowered terrorists who had gained control of the plane.

Obviously, it's outrageous that he's comparing supporters of Obamacare -- or supporters of enforcing enacted laws, or of keeping the government funded -- to suicide terrorists.

But the analogy isn't entirely off base.

Remember what happened on the "Let's roll" flight, United Flight 93? A lot of ordinary people died, and a target in D.C. was spared. The target was apparently the U.S Capitol, where Congress works.

As a result of what the Republican are doing now, a lot of innocent ordinary citizens will be harmed. You know who probably won't be harmed? Members of Congress. They'll still be paid. And most of them probably won't lose their seats -- only three House Republicans lost seats in 1996, after the last shutdown.

Ordinary citizens suffering while members of Congress are spared? Yes, there are some similarities between then and now, even if they're not the ones the congressman had in mind.
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