Boys Behind the Blog: I married a funny man

Every time I see the Boys Behind the Blog posts, I think they are hilarious. And I want to ask my dear husband to answer the questions. But for some reason, I never have. Until today. And girls, you are in for a treat. I married myself one funny man.

1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

Probably a sloth because they always seem super happy. They're like the "permanently stoned second cousin who can't seem to hold down a job but everyone loves him anyway because he's a really nice guy and really does mean well, ya know?" of the animal kingdom

He actually sent my mom this picture for her birthday.
All the email said was "Please enjoy the attached picture of a happy sloth. Love you!"

2. What is your favorite meal?

Anything cooked by my wife. Because she's so beautiful and awesome and perfect and beautiful. In all honesty, she's an amazing cook so pretty much anything she makes is great. As long as it doesn't have tomatoes. Seriously, Fuck tomatoes.

Imagine he has tomatoes on his plate now. He really hates tomatoes.
I'm still not sure why he was frowning about cake though...

3. Do you use any forms of Social Media? What is your favorite?

I have Twitter and Facebook, but don't use either one much beyond reading other people's updates. Whenever I go to post something I end up second guessing myself into oblivion until whatever I was thinking of is no longer relevant. I guess my favorite is the imaginary version of Twitter/Facebook that lives in my head where, when I read someone's post, I can think of something witty or interesting to say in the comments right away instead of 3 days later like in reality.

No caption. This picture is just awesome.

4. Beer, wine, liquor, other, or none of the above?

Definitely beer, and the hoppier, the better. The more it makes my face look like the old man from "Up" when I take a sip, the better!

5. Complete the sentence: "Never have I ever..."

I've always been confused as to what is the point of "Never have I ever". Am I just supposed to list off a bunch of things I haven't done so people can call bullshit? Ok, here we go. I'm going to list off some things I 'haven't' done. You can decide if they're true or not:

1. Never have I ever traveled back in time to prevent a horrible disaster from taking place in a major city (you're welcome, America).

2. Never have I ever solved mysteries with a bunch of teenagers, a goofy dog, and the Harlem Globetrotters.

3. Never have I ever beaten Teddy Roosevelt in an arm wrestling match. Seriously, for such an impactful historical figure he was pretty weak. Did he even lift?

4. Never have I ever answered a "Never have I ever..." question genuinely.

And I'll end on a perfectly ridiculous picture of us.
I miss college. And I love this man.

Mal Smiles

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