5 Things on Thursday

I wasn't going to post today. Just not feeling it. But then I came across yet another of these 5 things posts, and figured why not,

5 Things I'm looking forward to:
  1. Happy hour with coworkers tonight :)
  2. A Friday night at home with my husband with no plans. It's been way too long.
  3. Browns game on Sunday with one of my favorites who will be visiting from Chicago! Tailgating, awesome seats and BOGO pretzels. Perfect. 
  4. Columbus visit next weekend with so many of my favorite people!
  5. Family weekend in Geneva at the end of October.
4 Things you might not know about me:
  1. While I'm not a picky eater now and will try pretty much anything, when I was little- I refused to eat anything. I was a mac and cheese and PB&J (actually, no J...just honey) kinda girl.
  2. I have a degree in journalism...but I have no desire to actually work in a journalism related field.
  3. I rarely wear makeup...maybe once a week, but that's a stretch most weeks. 
  4. I'm not a huge dessert person...but put apple pie or lemon bars in front of me and I can devour an entire pan.
3 Fall Shows I'm pumped for:
  1. Nashville. I know it was on last night- but I rarely watch shows when they are actually on, so I will be Hulu-ing that tonight!!
  2. Modern Family- just when you think it can't get any funnier, it always does.
  3. Grey's Anatomy- I think the show has more than run it's course, so I'm glad they are ending it.
2 Things that frustrate me:
  1. When my husband is on call on weekends that we want to do something. 
  2. Bad drivers. What is it this week with people driving like complete morons?
1 of my favorite words:
  1. Fricken. I use it all the time. And it's not as inappropriate as it's other F counterpart. Which I also love.

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