My Life in a Nonprofit

My daytime job is an event planner/marketing extraordinaire (I use this word loosely...) for a nonprofit. While I love my job and love what I do, there are certain pitfalls that every nonprofit employee faces. And when an executive director at another agency I have been working closely with sent me this Tumblr account, I proceeded to waste an hour and laugh hysterically at how true it all was.

So here are some of my favorite's that so closely describe my life. And in the week before an event? Even more true. 

When you are asked for suggestions for the upcoming team-building exercise

Seeing as the best times with my coworkers are sitting around at happy hour or drinking excessively at each others weddings, this is fitting.

When you manage the donor database

When you agree to be the lead person on a new fundraising campaign

Welcome to my life. I am a development staff of 1. So most things come to me. I guess they would be mine whether or not I agreed to...but I really do agree to lead too much shit.

When someone says "capacity building”

If any of you were AmeriCorps VISTAs at any point in your life, as I was 3 years ago, this is SO. TRUE.

When someone says no one should be paid to work at a nonprofit

I really just like the phrase "well fuck you very much!"
But really? I can guarantee I bust my ass just as much as those for-proft workers (harder than some I'm sure after listening to my husband talk about his corporate job).

When the executive director tells you she has a 'fun idea' for the website
But for real. No, I can't do random shit like that on our website.  

And my personal favorite. Because this happens to me regularly...

When someone suggests a new fundraising event instead of supporting the full calendar of events you already have

Plus, the funniest gif ever.

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