You Win, Athens.

So after four days off, a bachelorette party, a bridal shower and a large number of hours spent driving- by the time I got home yesterday, I was in a complete daze. This was one of those weekends that make every other weekend look lame. But that I also need a full weekend off to recover from the weekend I just had! I know, serious #firstworldproblems.

We headed down to Athens on Friday late afternoon, and got down in time to wander a bit up town and grab a few drinks. 
Our Friday night group
Saturday morning meant more wandering Athens, devouring pizza (and of course a few pitchers) at Courtside, shopping our way down Court Street and getting ready for the evening.

All the girls. We got matching OU shirts with a white one for the bride
and put iron-on letters on the back. We only made it back to the hotel with about half the letters.
 The bride had a "no penis" rule...but she did not stick to that as strongly as I did. Hence the multiple penis glasses in the next set of photos. It did make for a seriously hilarious evening though!

The bride's little brother is still living in Athens and
was 'morally opposed' to the penis glasses.
Especially on his mom and sister!
Always love running into random people in Athens.
A friend from home and the daughter of close friends of my parents!
The Bobcats of the group- back in our old stomping grounds
It was a fantastic two days in Athens. I don't get down there nearly enough. But everything about that town and OU puts a smile on my face! On Sunday, we headed home, but I wasn't quite heading back to Cleveland. Instead I ended up in Holmes County for another close friends bridal shower. 

She was another of my bridesmaids; which is one of 11 weddings she has been in! The shower was held at the renovated one screen movie theater in my hometown. We actually ended up watching 27 Dresses! In honor of the movie, all her bridesmaid dresses were displayed out front. How fricken cute!

Instead of driving back to Cleveland on Sunday, I stayed at my parents house. We enjoyed a margherita pizza with fresh tomatoes and basil (their garden is going wild), enjoyed a few glasses of wine on the porch, and I passed out by 10. And slept until 9:30. Yep. I finally rolled back into Cleveland around 4:30 and spent the rest of the evening lying on the couch, watching TV with the husband and drinking wine. 

And then worked out this morning and almost passed out. Like literally, I left class halfway through because I was so dizzy. Too much boozing and shitty eating this weekend. Damn you Athens, you win again. And I'm ok with it. 

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