Freedom Sucks

Non-libertarian Cal Thomas:
One doesn't have to approve of the Court's "reasoning" in order to hand it to the gay rights campaigners. They have done a magnificent job advancing their objectives, but they couldn't have done it alone. A verse from the Old Testament warns about the detrimental effects such "advances" can have on individuals and nations that abandon moral boundaries: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." -- Judges 17:6, NIV
Then, fortunately, there came an era in which the potty-mouthed could be stoned to death.*

*The Lovely Daughter and I were coming home from a doctor's appointment the other day and there was a shirtless crazy guy on the opposite corner swearing away. A sweet little old lady approached us and said "They should make public swearing illegal." The Lovely Daughter can say "bullshit" in Chinese with a good accent, but unlike her dad has decorum enough to refrain from calling elderly ladies crazy and fortunate to possess a shirt.
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