Three day weekends are the best.

We went into this weekend with no set plans. And it was seriously the best feeling ever. Between weddings, and work events, and traveling for other things- we haven't had a free weekend in about two months. And to make it even better- we both had Monday off. 

Doug has been working at the same place since we graduated from college. Until about three weeks ago, he has worked on Sundays that entire time (almost 4 years)...which sucked. He is finally on a regular Monday through Friday shift. He has also always had to work Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, as well as the other random holidays like Memorial Day and the 4th of July. But that's also over!

On Friday, we went over to my brother and sister-in-laws for dinner. My parents were in town- so it was a lovely evening with the family. After dinner, we headed out for a few beers with our friend Carly, who will soon be leaving us for a new job. Needless to say, we've been soaking up our last few weeks with her as much as we can!

Most of my Saturday was spent at my brother and sister-in-laws house (seeing a trend here?). Niece #2 is due June 8, though we're all expecting her to come early. There was a lot to prepare around the house, as well as gardening. Which Caroline was happy to help with. 

Helping Grandma plant flowers.
Someone needs her bangs trimmed!
Mom and I also spent an hour or so at Jo Ann Fabrics to pick out material for a quilt we are making together. She got me a sewing machine for Christmas (which I have yet to use...) but we thought this would be a fun way to make something together. I can't wait to show you all more photos of the pattern and fabric we chose.

Dinner, s'mores, and a campfire. All perfect ways to end the day.

Two of my favorite things :)
My cousin's daughter was getting baptized on Sunday, so we headed to the west side for the baptism and to spend a few hours with family. We all headed back to my brother and sister-in-laws for a little more work around the house, some cornhole, beers, hotdogs, s'mores...and another campfire.

Campfire #2.
I woke up bright and early to head over to my brothers once again for the Memorial Day parade. I knew watching the parade with the little one would be hilarious, and it was. She loved chasing candy, the siren, the police dogs and of course the marching band. 

Once again, crazy hair.
I finally made my way home, where we watched a few episodes of the new season of Arrested Development. SO happy to have new episodes! After a little napping and a game of Quiddler with my husband, we headed over to our friends house to grill out. Venison burgers and potato salad, margaritas and beer, followed by girls vs. boys Taboo- it was a perfect end to the long weekend.
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