Let's see if I've got this straight.

The Obama "scandals" are: a pre-election "cover-up" of the truth about the Benghazi attack in which the administration acknowledged every fact said to have been covered up within less than two weeks after the attack (and more than a month and a half before the election); heightened scrutiny of the tax-exempt status of right-wing groups by the IRS that led to no revocations of tax-exempt status and happened while a Republican ran the agency; all of this following a "gun grab" that has led to exactly zero federal gun control because no bill could even pass the Democrat-controlled upper chamber of Congress; and a further "gun grab" said to be in the works in conjunction with the UN that involves a treaty that can't possibly be ratified in the Senate, and wouldn't do what the opponents say it does anyway, even if it did pass.

Have I summarized the dangerous Satanic power of Barack Obama accurately?


... Sorry, forgot to mention that Obama deliberately failed to rescue Americans in Benghazi even though a rescue would have been literally impossible.
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