No words.

Last night, I randomly checked my Facebook in the middle of the night. The first post to come up was one from a close college friend, who recently had twin daughters. The girls were born at 26 weeks (I think...), and yesterday, one of them passed away. 

My heart breaks for my friend. No one should ever have to experience losing a child after only 9 days of knowing them. Eight months ago, at our wedding, this couple was celebrating purchasing their first house and moving in the next day. And today, they are mourning the loss of a child- at 26 years old. I'm not saying its any easier if you're older. But it just hits close to home when it's someone who is my age who I met when we were just little freshman in college.

Today, my thoughts and prayers are with my friend, her husband, and their other daughter- who still has a long road ahead of her. That's all I can say...because no words can express how sorry I am for them having to experience this.

Rest in peace Madison Renee. You were so loved in those 9 days and you will never be forgotten.
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