Chicago Weekend Part 2

We last left off with our trolley ride ending back in Lincoln Park at Duffy's. Now...for those of you unfamiliar with this bar, we had a few issues. Mainly being that it is a Michigan bar. What the eff- not cool Chicago. But seeing as it wasn't football or college bball season and no one there seemed to give a damn about Michigan, we stuck around. The second issue being...the front of this bar seems very nice and respectable. Once you head to the back room though, it gets darker and dingier and turns into straight up hot mess dance floor, mega creeps included.

Now, again, not judging this because they were also passing out free sombreros. Well, I think they were passing out free sombreros, but either way- I ended up with one, and we fully embraced the hot mess dance floor (including creepster dudes sneaking up behind us...).

Shockingly looking sober here.
With of course the sombrero :)
Best friends. I've known this girl since freshman year in college
and I love her! Can't wait for her wedding/all wedding festivities this year!
Just cheesin'
Pure happiness
Obviously, it was time to go home. But not without an insane cab ride with singing at the top of our lungs, dancing like fools, and hoping we didn't die as our cab driver sang and danced with us (all while maneuvering Chicago traffic).

Sunday was Cinco de Mayo and my actual birthday. The day started a little rough, but after a few bloody marys and a fabulous soft pretzel with cheese, we were ready to go. Ok...well maybe not ready to go. We were still all completely wiped out from the night before. So we spent close to three hours sitting on the couch watching YouTube videos and drinking the leftover booze from the trolley. 

Just watch it. It's hilarious. And of course that video lead to this...

Followed by all this....

A quick dinner of delicious tacos and guacamole, one final shot to end the day, a little Pitch Perfect and the three of us were PASSED out by like 10. Totally acceptable. Monday was spent traveling and once I finally got home, napping and of course, hugging the shit outta my husband cause being away from him for 4 days was harrrd!

Sorry for the insane picture overload- it was just too awesome of a weekend not to share :) And definitely need to plan another trip back to Chicago soon; I think I'm in love.

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