Weddings continue!

Keeping with tradition, we attended ANOTHER wedding this weekend. 2 this year, 4 since we've been married, upwards of 15 (I know I missed some...) since we have been dating- the majority of those in the last three years. 

Weddings like the one this past weekend are the best- the couple is mutual friends of both the husband and I, so we both have friends to talk to. Instead of those weddings where my lovely husband knows NO one...but he attends because he loves me that much. The couple went to OU- and the groom also works at the same company as Doug; so plenty of his work friends (who are just as awesome as mine!). 

So now the best way to show you how awesome the wedding was it pictures!

Another Bobcat wedding!!
The flag makes another appearance
Best Friend :) her turn now!
Almost the whole group from the bachelorette party!
Some of my favorite people in the world- can't even wait until their wedding
Pretty ladies :) 
It was a fantastic weekend...which of course lead to a Sunday on the couch with Harry Potter #3 (1.5 times...I slept through half of it and had to rewatch it...) and #4...

Oh and yes, I did sleep all the way home. As I promised I would on Friday. My husband really loves me :)
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