
John Ransom is the Finance Editor for Townhall:
I got an email from a reader yesterday that went something like this: "Hey, the American Cancer Society says you're full of it on the link between breast cancer and abortion. Trust me I'm an expert and a scientist, and you're being less than honest. So do us all a favor and shut up and stick to finance."

To which I reply: "Hey, if you're an expert and scientist why are you citing a lobbying orginization like the American Cancer Society? Thanks for proving one of the points in the email/hate mail column."

And the point was: People, especially conservatives, are distrustful of experts. As they should be.
Dirty orginizations! Don't trust experts, trust NON-experts, like John Ransom, who doesn't purport to know anything about anything.

Down the page we interrupt an anti-tax rant in mid-spittlefleck:
And then I’m thinking “What spending cuts?” Don't spending cuts require government spending to actually go down?

Only with DC’s dishonest budget math- thank you Dan Mitchell- can politicians, journalists and other "experts" claim that spending that will rise year-over-year for forever, is somehow a spending cut.

And so lastly I’m thinking “Thank God I have a gun.”

My gun makes me the expert on so much.
I've gotta get me one of them things.
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