Happy International Women's Day

It turns out tomorrow is International Women's Day, which is a special time on the internet, as it was built, is operated, and is entirely populated by men. Given this it's entirely possible that passing individuals may have no experience whatsoever with Women, we at Substance Labs™ have assembled a Woman-Building Kit™, with which you may assemble the upper portion of a representative Woman and begin to know and understand the mysterious creatures who may one day stare at you in bafflement and disgust as you begin to explain what exactly it is you DO with the internet.

Here then are representative pieces of Women culled from an exhaustive search of all available materials* and placed here for your assembling pleasure. Note that Women do not have ears and in many cases are missing their right eyes, which in their shame they conceal with flowing hair.

*The first ten results of a search for the word "Woman".
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