Latest obsessions

There have been a few awesome things in my life right now. And I don't mean events or things that have happened. I mean a tv show and a book. A tv show and a book that I'm obsessed with.

Now, I know I'm a little late to the Downton Abbey train...but seriously- I am in love. 

Last week, when I was working from home, I decided to throw it on as background noise. We had started the first episode once before, and I just couldn't get into it. Apparently I was just sleepy or not really in the mood for it- because this time around, that all changed. I watched most of the first season in one day. One day. Granted, it's only 7 episodes....but that's still 7 hours of TV. 

I finished season 2 last night and am now ready for more! Thankfully season 3 episodes are on so I can catch up! Which I will be starting tonight when I get home.

One of the awesome things about taking the rapid to work when it snows is that it gives me a solid hour and a half of reading time each day. I normally read before bed anyway, but the book selection then is crappy romance novels that don't require me to read too closely, seeing as I normally fall asleep anyway. So the train/bus is a perfect time to read books that are actually good.

I had started Bossypants by Tina Fey on our honeymoon. Which was like 4 months ago. And was finally able to finish it last week during  a few train rides. It was hilarious. Like laugh out loud on the train, getting weird looks from other riders, hilarious. 


As a fan (though unfortunately not avid watcher) of 30 Rock, and obsessed with Mean Girls (I mean seriously- that movie is insanely funny), plus just an overall Tina Fey fan- I knew this was a must read. And I was right. Her writing is very much how she speaks/acts. Sarcastic, funny, yet still honest and and a true look at her life. And seriously- with chapters like this one, you can't miss.

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