Quality Education

Via The Corner, AN OUTRAGE:

No, the outrage is not eye-strain. It seems a "political science professor" at a "university" wants you to write and speak as if your "audience" in a might be someone other than White and Male and Middle-Class!

Someone whose name recalls the most famous blowjob artist of the 20th century is NOT HAVING IT:
My name is Ryan Lovelace, and I dropped that politically correct political science class.

Clearly, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Butler University believes its students were raised as racist and misogynist homophobes who have grown to harbor many prejudices, a stance that is both offensive and hostile to any student’s ability to learn.
Leftists demand redistribution of the middle, but middles should remain UNDISTRIBUTED. Where there is a rule against being an asshole, that rule specifically describes YOU, the potential rule follower, as an asshole! See also laws against pedophilia and kill yourself.

Clearly the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Butler University's requirement to consider a broad audience in your communications is a stricture nobody taking...what was that again? Oh yes, the requirement to consider a broad audience in your communications is a stricture nobody taking political science should have to appreciate. It's been proven by not-political science!

What is Ryan's solution?
As a journalism major, I will now strive to avoid the liberal arts college as much as possible, not because the college fails to provide its students with any practical knowledge, but because the college seeks to indoctrinate its students with a hostile paradigm that views people like me—an American, white, heterosexual male from a middle-class background—as evil; whitey-righty need not attend.
I agree. The best option for a journalism major in your unfortunate position is avoid actuarial science and anthropology and biology and chemistry and classical studies and computer science and criminology and engineering and English and exploratory studies and French and gender/women/sexuality studies and German and history and international studies and mathematics and natural science and philosophy and physics and political science and psychology and religion and science, technology and society and social work and psychology and sociology and software engineering and Spanish.

Then and only then, after all these subjects have been avoided, will you feel confident and assured that you can leave the hallowed halls of academia with the best journalism education possible.
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