Adventures in Scrabble

The Lovely Daughter, despite her insane proficiency in languages (currently watching this) needs a little help with creation and causation as opposed to memorization and so we've been, among other things, putting letters on the Scrabble board.

The Lovely Daughter: D E P. Is dep a word?
Me: No but you're pretty close to a word. Look at your other letters.
TLD: E T G A. (She puts the E on the board.) DEPE. Is that a word?
M: No, but you're really close to a word if you just rearrange the letters.
TLD: (Moves the final E away. Puts it back.)
M: You're really really close. There's a word there with a little rearranging.
TLD: (Lost.) DEPE.
M: Okay, think of a pool.
TLD: Peed?
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