Writing ONE MINUTE FURTHER Into the Future

Via this at Pharyngula we have this unbelievable shit from The Amazing Atheist and more cranky misogynist shit detailed here.

I appreciate that there are many awesome atheists out there - LIKE ME - but holy shit it's like some people think they have to be against anything that smacks of doing unto others as you would yadda yadda yadda. Which of course is what this happy-go-lucky atheist lady was all about and I think most people understand that she was stupid and awful and full of shit. Unless they're stupid and awful and full of shit of course.

I guess the gist of the complaints in the latter link's threads is that it's worse to notice someone is horrible than that they do horrible things. THEY JUST WANNA BE LOVED! Which might make them, you know, better off if they went down to the local place of worship where everyone pretends to like you.

I am hopeful that this undercurrent in whatever the atheism movement consists of is just a loud and laughable and dumb minority like libertarians, but who can tell in this crazy world?

Nevertheless, jerkiness is just jerkiness. News from the other side:
All canonizations are political to some degree, but the canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha, the first indigenous Canadian saint, was more political than most. The First Nations considered it a key step in the Vatican’s long and haphazard campaign to repair relations with a people it had mistreated for centuries.

Kateri, who was born in what is now upstate New York and who died in 1680 near Montreal after a short, miserable life, was canonized Sunday in St. Peter’s Square by Pope Benedict XVI, along with six other saints.
Rape and abuse slate WIPED CLEAN!
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