A gentleman with a hard-to-pronounce name at Townhall:In Michigan, union bosses are testing a new strategy to increase their power and clout within the state. A constitutional amendment known locally as Proposal 2, or the “Protect Our Jobs” (POJ) amendment, would invalidate much of the common-sense progress that Governor Rick Snyder has made as it relates to public-sector unions, potentially overturning upwards of 170 pieces of legislation.
In Michigan, union bosses are testing a new strategy to increase their power and clout within the state. A constitutional amendment known locally as Proposal 2, or the “Protect Our Jobs” (POJ) amendment, would invalidate much of the common-sense progress that Governor Rick Snyder has made as it relates to public-sector unions, potentially overturning upwards of 170 pieces of legislation.
Beyond that, the amendment has frighteningly broad language, overturning any state law that might “abridge, impair, or limit” collective-bargaining rights for private and public employees.
Here is the headline:
Labor Bosses Fight Only to Protect their Jobs
I suppose if I write a headline like "Republican Bosses Fight Only to Protect Their Money" Fred, um, Wzlkkdjhasek would say "Darn tootin'!" so fair play.