A big week

So...it's my wedding week. You know, not a big deal or anything. Which is kind of how I feel considering I'm sitting at work on a typical busy, hard-to-get-motivated Monday. I'm running around like crazy, and then all of a sudden I think "I'm getting married this week." And I have the "HOLY SHIT, IT'S MY WEDDING WEEK!" moment. And immediately start thinking about everything to do. 

But most of what I have to do can't be done until we get to Holmes County. I (with the help of some amazing friends!) have busted my ass in the months/weeks leading up to this week so that I wouldn't be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to finish last minute projects. Favors? Check. Programs? Check. Seating chart/place cards? Check. Basically all my crafting projects are done. 

When we get back to the HC (Wednesday night), there will be a lot to do- but I also know my parents have been incredibly on top of everything (they seriously are amazing). There is plenty to do- but we're pretty well organized, so it shouldn't be a huge stress inducing disaster. 

So I'm taking the last few days in Cleveland to just relax. Going home tonight to dinner in the crockpot and a bottle of wine. Tomorrow I'm getting a mani/pedi with my sister-in-law and a friend. And Wednesday, we will make our way down to Holmes County to officially kickoff wedding festivities (which mostly includes decorating...at least until rehearsal time). 

Now as long as we remember to get our marriage license on Thursday (I know, I know...waiting until the last minute), we'll be good!
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