While the boys are out...

After my shower, I got the chance to spend more time with my amazing friends. Seeing as all our significant others were out golfing/drinking/gambling, we decided to make it a girls night (almost a 2nd mini bachelorette party...though not nearly as crazy). 

We headed over to a friend's new house where we spent a few hours grilling, drinking, playing cards and relaxing on their back porch. Just when it looked like this would be how we spent the rest of the night (which wouldn't honestly have been a bad thing), we decided to head out to the bars in Lakewood, where we spent the entire night at Harry Buffalo.

We stayed in this booth for pretty much our whole night.
Between meeting some random people (woo woo Ohio alum!), laughing at a crazy old man dancing at the bar, random shots (NO one should choose Jameson when offered free shots), and just talking- it was time to go. And by time to go, I mean one of our group fell asleep at the bar. I will not clearly state who in the above pictures this was.

Funny thing is- her falling asleep at the bar is a normal occurrence. In college, she was known for sleeping in random places- parties, bars, wherever. The bouncer at Harry Buffalo didn't find this amusing though and insisted we get our out of there. 

The night ended with a round of phone calls from our significant others who were wrapping up their night. I was just happy mine was still forming words after the long day of drinking!

Sunday, when I finally dragged myself off the couch- I headed over to my brothers for a fabulous meal of pot roast, veggies, mashed potatoes and red wine. mmmm.

Over all, it was a fantastic weekend which I was able to spend with some of my best friends.
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