Blowing in the Wind Can Get You Killed


Via, which I guess should be added to the list here.

In further Catholic Schoolgirls Gone Wild adventures we have this from Maggie Gallagher:
But Tony Perkins has a point, too. It’s not just one instance of labeling the Family Research Council a “hate group.” It’s the persistent refrain among major gay-rights groups that opposition to gay marriage is in itself not only hatred but discrimination and a violation of basic human rights. This is the rhetoric of de-legitimization and ultimately dehumanization. Your opponents aren’t just wrong; they are evil.

That brings this to mind from Waking Up Now:

Then we get this statement from Maggie Gallagher:

I’m not surprised that Miss Beverly Hills, Lauren Ashley, opposes gay marriage — after all 45 percent of young Californians voted for Prop 8, as did 7 million Californians generally. But I have to say, I am impressed with her courage in coming forward and for speaking up for Carrie. The elected officials of city of Beverly Hills are not demonstrating tolerance or kindness by continuing the avalanche of hatred against supporters of Prop 8. [emphasis added]

Some interpret this as a total endorsement of Lauren’s statement [which, dear reader is "The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman,” said Ashley. “In Leviticus it says, 'If man lies with mankind as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them.' The Bible is pretty black and white." -McG]. I try to be factual here, so I did the obvious thing. I wrote to Maggie.

I recently read your comments about Miss Beverly Hills on the Fox news website:

[And here I inserted the quote directly above.]

I feel certain that this cannot be your entire quote, since you’re responding to Lauren Ashley’s statement that gays shall surely be put to death. Could you please let me know the full version of your quote, so that we can all be clear on where you stand on the “surely be put to death” portion? Thanks.

And Maggie wrote back. Here’s her full response:

No i’m not. Maggie

Thank the Lord for incoherent responses.
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