Last weekend recap

So I'm only slightly behind on the blogging front. While this past weekend was awesome, I figured I should probably update on the weekend before that first!

Two weekends ago, we headed to Columbus for wedding #2 (well technically 3...#2 together). This was the wedding of one of my good friends from college and apartment roommate for 2 years. Also- I lived in the same dorm as the bride and groom freshman year, when they first met and watched their relationship grow. Which only made the wedding that much more special.

Not only was the wedding venue INSANELY gorgeous (The Darby House), the couple had made the wedding so 100% completely them. Ok, let's be honest- it had the bride written ALL over it, and I loved every minute of it. The ceremony was gorgeous- not a dry eye in the house after those vows. The reception was a blast. And you can never go wrong with the entertainment of a photo booth with plenty of props!

husband and wife!!
So close to our big day :)
Just a few Bobcats hanging out
Congratulations Krysten and Lucas!!!
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