An Athens Weekend recap

So seriously...I'm sorry I suck at blogging lately. I keep having ideas for posts to write, and then my days are full and crazy at work (though my events are over! for now at least...) and then I get home and realize I need to make dinner and clean up. And then it's 9:00 and I'm ready to lie in bed and watch Scrubs with my fiance. And that's nice. But it leaves pretty much no time for blogging. I really need to figure out this real world thing...though I have been out of college for 3 years, now that I live with the boy- I don't have evenings to myself to just do nothing (err...I mean blog). And for the first time, I live in a place where I want to be able to take pride in how it looks- hence cleaning and tidying. 

But no more excuses. I really will try to be a better blogger! We're sitting at a little over 100 days from the there should be plenty to discuss.

More importantly though was this past weekend. This amazing, glorious past weekend in the best place on earth. Disneyland! Just kidding. Athens. But really, Athens is better. Cheep booze, great friends, gorgeous weather. It was fabulous. 

To kick the weekend off though, my best friend got engaged!! Her now fiance had planned the whole thing and that was really the reason for our trip though she was convinced otherwise. 
The moment he got down on one knee!!
He had ordered a custom made coozie that said Ashley, Will you Marry me?
But it didn't get there in time, so he improvised.
And please notice my fiance and her new fiance in the background...they love each other
Needless to say- we were all in celebration mode and in the perfect place to do it!
The girls celebrating with our champagne slushies
And the boys with whiskey
Saturday was another full day of celebration.Which featured a lot of this.
Serious day drinking on Courtside patio. perfection.
Overall- it was an amazing day in one of my favorite places in the world with a lot of my favorite people. Lots of drinks, lots of eating (mmmm O'Bettys, Souvlakis, Courtside, Casa, Miller's, I don't think I stopped eating all weekend). 

Which is probably why today I feel like I ran a marathon over the weekend. The combination of tons of walking, excessive drinking, and loads of crappy food has not made my body happy. So worth it.
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