The Big Move!

I know, I know. I have been seriously MIA lately. But the last week has been complete chaos as my fiance and I finally moved in to our first place together!!!

We picked up the keys last Tuesday and spend the rest of the week packing up and transporting boxes to the new place. Thursday, our furniture was delivered and with a half day off for me on Thursday, we were able to clear out pretty much everything from our old places.

Friday was the official move. Doug's roommate has a very large truck and was able to help us get everything out of our respective homes into the apartment. Only took us about 3 hours and finally everything was in! Mind you, I completely hate unpacking- so we were far from finished (and we're still not quite there...)

And now for a mini photo tour!

Living room, with our brand new couch and love seat
Part of the guest room (twin bed will soon be upgraded to a full when we get our queen)
Doug also has his clothes and desk in make it not a pain in my butt when he wakes up at 5:30 for work!
Annnd this is where I still have yet to unpack. Our bedroom- with boxes that have all my crap. Oops.
The balcony with super cute table and chairs my brother and sister-in-law got as a housewarming gift for us.
And those two beers were the wonderful end to a long long weekend on Sunday.
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