Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! Well as happy as a Monday can be...but there are blue skies and the sun is shining, so that's helping the happiness level.

This weekend was enjoyable. Spent time with old friends on Friday (and hopefully started the planning for a large group of college friends reuniting in May/June), took our engagement pics Saturday in Athens (and enjoyed Courtside pizza and a beer at the CI...cause duh.), drove back to Cle on Saturday evening (well the fiance drove, I slept), watched 6 episodes of Game of Thrones on Saturday night and 1 more on Sunday morning- as well as the season premiere on Sunday night, and spent all day Sunday with family and friends at my aunt and uncle's for dinner visiting with my cousin who was home from Singapore. Where of course Caroline and her adorableness stole the show.
aunts, uncles, cousins and friends from my family and my aunt's side of the family
This week and next will be lots of packing and getting ready to move. I'll be going home for Easter and going through all my boxes from college- mostly kitchen stuff, and bringing everything back. We get the keys Tuesday. Internet and gas will be set up on Thursday, and our new couch and love seat will be delivered. And Friday, a good friend with a large truck will be helping us move everything else! Saturday and Sunday will be for unpacking and cleaning and settling in. 

Wow- just going over that makes me tired! But I'm so excited for us to finally have our own place. Just to have my own space (well our own space...but it's completely different sharing it with your fiance/husband than it is having roommates). Especially my own kitchen- that will be the best.

Needless to say, if I'm MIA for the next week or so- I promise I'll be back...after I finish drowning in boxes.
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