On February 10th, my niece turned 1. To celebrate, my brother and sister-in-law threw a huge party on Saturday. A few cancellations due to crazy weather, but there was still a large crowd gathered.
I arrived early in the day to help set things up and was able to watch her complete fascination with balloons. She was in LOVE. For a while, she just stared at them, and then she grabbed one and proceeded to walk around the house with it. And when it was time for her to go take a bath, she screamed when we took it away.
Oh hey Aunt Margaret, just hanging out with my balloon |
And the best part of the night...her eating cake of course. She was double fisting cake, and at one point, bent down in her high chair and stuck her face in her ice cream (obviously there she had no hands to use). By the time she was done, she was just squeezing frosting through her fingers.
In addition to shoveling cake into her mouth, she also made her way through a plate of pasta and meatballs, with garlic breadsticks. And chowed down on some chocolate cake pops.
Definitely a happy baby! And with the combination of no nap, being passed around between family members, a large amount of carbs and sugar, that happy baby slept for 12.5 hours!
Happy 1st Birthday Caroline :) Aunt Margaret loves you!