We're making the biggest purchase of our life, which is stressful enough on it own. But why stop there??
I had posted last week about needing to put myself first. I wasn't able to put much in the post because a lot was still up in the air. I needed to put my needs first because when I thought about leaving my current job, I was so worried about leaving them in the place they are now (which honestly...isn't good). But the amount of stress I was feeling wasn't good.
I decided to do something for me...and I GOT A NEW JOB!! It's an amazing career move (and I'm not going to lie...an amazing pay increase).
And just to make both of these things a little crazier?? I start my new job the week we close on our house. I had been hoping to push it back to the week after so I could take a few days to focus on the house. But nope- not now! Let's just do ALL the things in the same week.
So come the 2nd week in March? I'll just be over here freaking out, drinking wine, not being able to sleep and all that. BUT we will have the keys to our very first house together and I will be in a job, that I will hopefully love.
Bring it on!